Places I love

Friday, August 15, 2014

Glorious Display

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

God showed off in Colorado tonight, romancing my heart with the changing colors of the sky and the sounds of the hummingbirds and the deer grazing nearby. He knew I needed a display of his love, of his character, of his creativity. 

My words will not be enough to do justice to the artistic display God gave Colorado this evening, but maybe my pictures and video will give you a moment to see Him, the God I love. 

Thank you God, my Abba, my Lord, and my strength. I love how you display your glory. 

It was good to see you,
Your Aimee

 Have your sound off when watching this video, otherwise the neighbor who decided to practice his drums might distract you from enjoying the peacefulness of the footage.